Shockwave Therapy in Davenport IA

Chiropractic Davenport IA Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy accelerates the healing process in the body by stimulating the metabolism and enhancing blood circulation to regenerate damaged tissue. Strong energy pulses are applied to the affected area. These pulses occur for short periods of time, creating micro-cavitation bubbles that expand and burst. The force created by these bubbles penetrates tissue and stimulates cells in the body that are responsible for bone and connective tissue healing. In many instances, shockwave therapy is most effective in cases where the human body has not been able to heal itself on its own. See how shockwave therapy in Davenport IA can help you!

Benefits of shockwave therapy in Davenport IA

There are numerous benefits from shockwave therapy:

  • Non-Surgical
  • No Side Effects
  • Accelerated Healing
  • Ease Of Use
  • Affordable
Chiropractic Davenport IA Shockwave On Neck

Shockwave Therapy Uses

The device uses powerful sound waves to break up inflammation, scar tissue, calcifications, and adhesions. Device elicits a mechanical effect on the body to re-initiate the first stage of healing.

Shockwave therapy produce audible, high-energy sound waves. Since approximately 1980 they have been incorporated into the medical world, initially used to obliterate kidney stones to ease the passing of material. The modern inception of this technology has branched to provide therapy to the painful body regions, where stimulated self healing mechanisms occur.

Our Shockwave therapies combine two types of orthopedic applications:

  1. ESWT (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy)
  2. TPST (Trigger Point Shock Wave Therapy)

Shockwave therapy has been used successfully in the treatment of chronic and acute pain since the early 1990's. Shockwave therapies are highly efficient, non-surgical treatments for chronic pain in the musculoskeletal system.

What Shockwave therapy offers

A significant expansion of the range of applications for myofascial pain syndrome. The extracorporeal, focused shock wave allows precise diagnosis and therapy of active and latent trigger points. Trigger points are thickened, pain-sensitive points within a usually tense muscle. They can cause a variety of pains – even well away from their own location. As a powerful system for pain therapy, it significantly expands the range of application in cases of myofascial pain syndrome.

  • Cervical spine
  • Upper extremities
  • Pectoral girdle
  • Hip region
  • Thoracic and lumbar spine
  • Lower extremities

Thanks to a wide range of applications of Shockwave therapy it is an invaluable resource for any progressive rehabilitation practice.

Chiropractic Davenport IA Shockwave Equipment

Why Consider Shockwave

Shockwave therapy has a proven success rate that is equal to or greater than that of traditional Medical or Surgical methods without the risks, longer recovery time, and common and/or potential complications. Shockwave therapy does not require anesthesia, requires minimal time commitments, patients receiving foot or knee treatment can weight bear immediately, and it is normal to return to normal activity within a few days of the procedure (important for athletes training through injuries on strict schedules).

How do Shockwaves Work?

The body’s healing process is accelerated by activating the body’s innate healing responses. Aside from helping break down thickened, inflexible scar tissue, the shock waves stimulate new blood vessel formation (neovascularization) to the injured area leading to improved circulation and metabolic processes. Once this occurs, the body will begin to re-absorb irritative calcium deposits from the affected tendons. This forces the damaged tissues to progressively regenerate, eventually healing properly.

Common Conditions Treated by Shockwave Therapy

  1. Plantar Fascitis / Heel Pain / “Heel Spur”
  2. Elbow Tendinitis i.e. Tennis or Golfer’s elbow
  3. Chronic shoulder pain i.e. Calcific Tendinitis of Rotator Cuff muscles
  4. Achilles tendon pain / calcification
  5. Patellar tendonitis / Jumper’s knee / Osgood-Schlatters disease
  6. Trigger points / Chronic muscle tension
  7. Chronic neck and back pain (Whiplash, Disc Injury, Sprain/Strain)

What are the Expected Results?

Benefits of Shockwave therapy are often experienced after only 3 to 5 treatments with some patients reporting immediate relief after the initial treatment. In some difficult cases it can take approximately 4 weeks before desired results are met. Scientific studies have shown the most significant tissue healing occurs in the 6 – 9 week window after beginning treatment. The effects of the treatment are cumulative, so even after the last treatment is performed benefits will continue to appear for weeks afterward as the treated tissues heal. This procedure aims to eliminate pain, regain normal range of motion/mobility, subsequently restoring exercise tolerance and quality of life.

How is Shockwave Therapy Performed?

After a thorough history and physical examination is performed to identify the pain region(s), a small amount of ultrasound gel is applied to the skin over the area. Then the Shockwave therapy treatment head will be placed on the region to generate the shock waves. After a few test impulses to best isolate the exact “spot”, the applicator will be focused there for the duration of that point’s treatment at a frequency and intensity comfortably tolerable to the patient.

The shock waves are sonic (sound) energy upon impact of the immobile body tissues, thus creating the desired results discussed above. Each treatment session focuses on providing 1500-3000 impulses, so treatment time can vary depending on the condition and patient treatment tolerance. One to two treatments a week (no more than 10 days apart) is generally recommended, allowing the body to recover between sessions. This interval is then generally recommended for 3-5 weeks, baring exceptional cases.

NOTE: There is no contraindication to being concurrently treated with other modalities to expedite patient results. Sports medicine examples could include a patient using myofascial release techniques to treat scar tissue of a case of tennis elbow, Shockwave therapy to isolate the difficult root to the problem, and high powered laser therapy to moderate the pain and further enhance the body’s healing response.

What are the Possible Side Effects / Complications?

Shockwave therapy has virtually no risks or side effects. In some cases patients may experience some minor discomfort, which may continue for a few days. This discomfort is similar to what you may experience after a full days work or intense exercise.


9:00am - 12:30pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:30pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:30pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:30pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm


Spine, Sport and Injury Therapy Center

4915 Utica Ridge Rd
Davenport, IA 52807

(563) 484-7806